Laser Therapy is a medical treatment that uses focused light to stimulate a process called photobiomodulation, or PBM. During PBM, photons enter the tissue and interact with the cytochrome c complex within mitochondria. This interaction triggers a biological cascade of events that leads to an increase in cellular metabolism, decrease in pain, reduction in muscle spasm, and improved microcirculation to injured tissue. This treatment is FDA cleared and provides patients a non-invasive, non-pharmacological alternative for pain relief.


How Treatments are Given

The laser light is delivered to the affected area through a noninvasive handpiece. Many horses feel immediate relief, and are often soothed by the treatment.   Treatments are painless. Human athletes receiving similar treatments report feeling a soothing warmth during treatment. Treatment times vary from a few to many minutes depending upon the condition, the number of musculoskeletal structures involved, or the size of the area that must be treated.

What does Class IV mean?

Effective laser therapy administration is a direct function of power and time as it relates to the dose delivered. Administering the optimal treatment dose to patients produces consistent positive outcomes. Class IV therapy lasers provide more energy to deep structures in less time. This ultimately assists in providing an energy dose that results in positive, reproducible outcomes. Higher wattage also results in faster treatment times and provides changes in pain complaints that are unachievable with low power lasers. 

What does it cost?

Protocols are unique to each patient and condition. Therefore, treatments will vary in time, complexity and cost. When appropriate, laser therapy can be used as a complementary adjunct to current treatment plans.

PBM accelerates the body’s natural healing process through photo-bio-modulation.  It provides tangible benefits to the equine companion and is effective in treating chronic conditions, acute conditions, and post- surgical pain and inflammation.

 PBM is preferred by professional athletic trainers in the NHL, NFL, MLB, NBA, FIFA and the Olympics.

Laboratory studies and real-world use over several decades have proved that laser therapy alleviates pain and inflammation, reduces swelling, stimulates nerve regeneration as well as the cells involved in tissue repair.

PBM is beneficial for almost any condition where inflammation or pain are present. In addition to treating pain and  inflammation, many professionals also use East Valley Laser Therapy to prevent injury and to maintain peak performance in equine athletes.  

It has been scientifically proven to be successful in treating post-surgical pain and many acute and chronic conditions. Among these are:

  • Tendon and suspensory injuries such as tears, tendonitis and desmitis
  • Synovitis and tenosynovitis
  • Degenerative joint disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Back disorders
  • Wound Healing
  • ​Class IV PMB is also used to activate acupuncture points and to treat a wide range of skin problems.
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